Saving Linnea

Submitted by Kai Simons on 12/20/2017
Saving Linnea

We believe in the power of the community. And that every single person counts. This year we've been particularly touched by how much the community is behind a family's efforts to save little Linnea. Therefore, we support the campaign Saving Linnea with our Christmas donation.

Linnea is suffering from an aggressive brain tumor. The doctors in Sweden gave the family not much hope. And yet, there is a treatment that shows already first successes. Unfortunately, at the other end of the world. In Monterrey, Mexico. The cost of this treatment is quite high. Without support, the family would have to accept their fate.

Many of our friends and partners have already supported Linnea. The next milestone of the campaign has already been reached. But the journey continues. We do not want to give up hope - and show with our community that we stand in for each other. And in this cold time we can radiate human warmth.

We wish Linnea and her family a Merry Christmas, a continued positive treatment - maybe a small miracle.

And happy holidays. Think of the people in your life and be there for them.

Your DasScrumTeam

Andreas Schliep

About the author

Andreas Schliep

Andreas Schliep is a founding member and executive partner of DasScrumTeam. He is a Scrum coach and trainer. He studied at the technical university of Bremerhaven, and worked as a software developer, project manager, team lead and group lead. Andreas has worked with Scrum since 2003. He became a full-time Scrummer in 2006.

Since then, he has helped to introduce and improve Scrum and agile practices in numerous companies all over the world. His favorite topics are quality management and scaling.

  • Experienced ScrumMaster, Product Owner, Coach and Trainer
  • Introduced Scrum at WEB.DE
  • Coaching of internationally distributed teams
  • Transition from RUP to Scrum at UOL Brazil
  • Scrum Trainings and Coaching in Germany, Switzerland and Austria
Peter Beck

About the author

Peter Beck

Peter has set himself the task of creating companies that deliver value for their customers and employees. That was also the motivation behind his decision to found DasScrumTeam. Peter is a passionate Scrum Trainer (Certified Scrum Trainer, CST) and consultant with a solid background in engineering. Since 2007, he has trained and advised a wide range of development teams, specialist departments, project managers and those in leadership positions, helping them to apply the Scrum framework, agile planning methods and software engineering practices. Peter is a graduate engineer (Dipl.-Ing, TU) specialising in electrical engineering and information technology.

  • Experience with Scrum since 2004 as Team member, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Coach and Trainer.
  • Served as ScrumMaster in internationally distributed Scrum Teams
  • Co-founder and Product Owner at DasScrumTeam AG
  • Key interests: Agile companies and Scrum beyond Software
Profilbild Kai Simons

Über den Autor

Kai H. Simons

Unsere Arbeitswelt befindet sich in einer Veränderung. Viele Menschen sind es leid unter hohem Druck zu arbeiten, ohne den Sinn dahinter zu erkennen. Wir sehnen uns nach Autonomie, Meisterschaft und einem Sinn in unserem Handeln. Doch wie bringen wir Produktivität und Menschlichkeit in Einklang und entwickeln dabei Produkte, die einen Unterschied machen?
Mit LeidenschaftHumor und langjähriger Erfahrung vermittelt Kai Simons als Coach und Trainer die essentiellen Fähigkeiten, um die Arbeitswelt zu transformieren. Agile prägt seine Lösungen seit 2007.

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