Was sagt Scrum zu Releases während des Sprints?

Submitted by Yuliya Mijuk on 05/22/2014

"What does Scrum tell about releases during the Sprint? I mean not only one release at the end of the Sprint but regular releases during the Sprint as soon as one of the features from the Sprint Backlog is done."

And what does your Scrum Team think about that?

Scrum says: At/to the end of the Sprint the team delivers potentially releasable functionality; and the PO can decide when it is released.

Therefore Scrum does not prohibit releases during the Sprint. If the PO and the team in this request are in agreement when the two sides "finished" on the definition of and have the definition of "feature" agreed, if you have no fear of the loss of time due to frequent releases can give it a try and discuss in retrospect, if you also want to handle it more so. So Scrum does not forbid an intermediary release.

If the PO and the team want to have releases during the Sprint as soon as one of the features is Done, if they have agreed on the DoD (Definition of Done) and have the same understanding of what they mean by "feature", if they are not afraid to loose the time due to frequent releases, they can try it out. In the following retrospective they can decide, whether it was good or not. 

As such, one can only welcome this way of release handling, as this shortens the time to market for the singular functionalities/features. But it can possibly create a risk for the undisturbed development during the sprint, because the team will probably have to face the reaction of the users or stakeholders after each of the releases, or the PO falls into the temptation to cancel the sprint and to re-plan.

Yuliya Mijuk

About the author

Yuliya Mijuk

Yuliya’s professional life started with Scrum. She is a Certified Scrum Professional and received her certification as ScrumMasters in 2006. She studied Computational Linguistics at the LMU in Munich. After the graduation in 2004 she came to WEB.DE where the transition to Scrum was taking place. Later on Yuliya worked as a ScrumMaster and Scrum Coach at SPRiNT iT and billiger.de (solute GmbH).

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